BC3. Basque centre for climate change – Klima aldaketa ikergai

  1. Hasiera
  2. Argitalpenak


González-Eguino, M, Olabe, A.
Keys for a new deal on climate change

Aakre, S; Banaszak, I; Mechler, R; Rubbelke, D; Wreford, A; Kalirai, H
Financial adaptation to disaster risk in the European Union Identifying roles for the public sector
Mitigation And Adaptation Strategies For Global Change

Ojea, E; Nunes, PALD; Loureiro, ML
Mapping Biodiversity Indicators and Assessing Biodiversity Values in Global Forests
Environmental & Resource Economics

Gonzalez-Eguino, M
MODELS AND COSTS OF EMISSION MITIGATION The case of a emissions permit market for Spain
Trimestre Economico

Seo, SN
Is an integrated farm more resilient against climate change? A micro-econometric analysis of portfolio diversification in African agriculture
Food Policy

Martín-Ortega, J. and Others
Beneficios ambientales no comerciales de la directiva marco del agua en condiciones de escasez: análisis económico para el guadalquivir
Documentos de trabajo FUNCAS

Ojea, E; Loureiro, ML
Valuing the recovery of overexploited fish stocks in the context of existence and option values
Marine Policy

Measuring Sustainability

Julia Martin-Ortegaa, Roy Brouwerb y Harry Aikingb
Medida de la compensación del daño ambiental en la Directiva de Responsabilidad Ambiental: lecciones aprendidas del caso Aznalcóllar-Doñana
Revista Economia Agraria y Recursos Naturales

Brouwer, R; Martin-Ortega, J; Berbel, J
Spatial Preference Heterogeneity: A Choice Experiment
Land Economics

Rive, N; Rubbelke, DTG
International environmental policy and poverty alleviation
Review Of World Economics

Alcon, F; Pedrero, F; Martin-Ortega, J; Arcas, N; Alarcon, JJ; de Miguel, MD
The non-market value of reclaimed wastewater for use in agriculture: a contingent valuation approach
Spanish Journal Of Agricultural Research

Ortiz, R.A.
Conservation versus development at the iguacu national park, Brazil

Bigano, A; Cassinelli, M; Markandya, A; Sferra, F
The Role of Risk Aversion and Lay Risk in the Probabilistic Externality Assessment for Oil Tanker Routes to Europe
Journal of Transport Economics and Policy

Martin-Ortega, J; Berbel, J
Using multi-criteria analysis to explore non-market monetary values of water quality changes in the context of the Water Framework Directive
Science Of The Total Environment

del Prado, A; Chadwick, D; Cardenas, L; Misselbrook, T; Scholefield, D; Merino, P
Exploring systems responses to mitigation of GHG in UK dairy farms
Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment

Khatun, K; Valdes, PJ; Knorr, W; Khalid, MA
Exploring synergies between the Clean Development Mechanism and national forest policies in India to advance sustainable development for a post-2012 climate policy

Aakre, S; Rubbelke, DTG
Objectives of public economic policy and the adaptation to climate change
Journal Of Environmental Planning And Management

Anil Markandya and Malcolm Pemberton
Energy Security, Energy Modelling and Uncertainty
Energy Policy

Aakre, S; Rubbelke, DTG
Adaptation to Climate Change in the European Union: Efficiency versus Equity Considerations
Environmental Policy and Governance

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Nabigatzen jarraitzen baduzu, haiek erabiltzea onartzen duzula ulertzen dugu. Informazio gehiago nahi izanez gero, egin klik hemen.