BC3. Basque centre for climate change – Klima aldaketa ikergai

  1. Hasiera
  2. Argitalpenak


Bigano, A; Cassinelli, M; Markandya, A; Sferra, F
The Role of Risk Aversion and Lay Risk in the Probabilistic Externality Assessment for Oil Tanker Routes to Europe
Journal of Transport Economics and Policy

Martin-Ortega, J; Berbel, J
Using multi-criteria analysis to explore non-market monetary values of water quality changes in the context of the Water Framework Directive
Science Of The Total Environment

del Prado, A; Chadwick, D; Cardenas, L; Misselbrook, T; Scholefield, D; Merino, P
Exploring systems responses to mitigation of GHG in UK dairy farms
Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment

Khatun, K; Valdes, PJ; Knorr, W; Khalid, MA
Exploring synergies between the Clean Development Mechanism and national forest policies in India to advance sustainable development for a post-2012 climate policy


Markandya, A; Chiabai, A
Valuing Climate Change Impacts on Human Health: Empirical Evidence from the Literature

G.Frey, M.Manera, A.Markandya and E.Scarpa
Econometric models for oil price forecasting : a critical survey ; food and energy prices (Focus)
CESifo Forum

Ansuategi, A. and Galarraga, I
Carbon Pricing as an Effective Instrument of Climate Policy:: searching for an optimal policy instrument
Rivista di Economia Politica

Del Prado A., Scholefield D. and Chadwick D.
New Integrated dairy production systems: specification, practical feasibility and ways of implementation - IS0214
DEFRA Final Report. IS0214.

A.Markandya, Elías Fereres, Juan Rojo y Félix Goñi
El cambio climático, a debate
cicNetwork. Ciencia y Tecnología

I. Galarraga and A. Markandya
El Cambio Climático y su Importancia Socioeconómica

Del Prado A., Chadwick D. and Scholefield D.
Simulating the effect on GHG emissions after implementing a trajectory towards sustainability of a dairy farm.
Journal of Agricultural Science (41th Meeting of the Agricultural Research Modeller’s Meeting).

González-Eguino, M.
Competitividad y fuga de carbono: el caso de la economía vasca
Ekonomiaz: Revista vasca de economía

Ortiz, R.A., A. Markandya and A. Hunt
Willingness to Pay for Mortality Risk Reduction Associated with Air Pollution in Sao Paulo
Revista Brasileira de Economia

A. Olabe and M. Gonzalez-Eguino
Copenhage: una cita con la historia
Politica Exterior

Ibon Galarraga, Mike González
La Ciencia del Cambio Climático: Una Visión General
Papeles de Economía Española

Abadie, L.M. and Chamorro, J.M.
Impactos económico-financieros de los precios del CO2
Papeles de Economía Española

Abadie, L.M. and Chamorro, J.M.
Income risk of EU coal-fired power plants after Kyoto
Energy Policy

A.Markandya and E. Ricci
Green Taxes on Aviation: The Case of Italy: The Proposal of the Green Taxation Matrix
Rivista di Politica Economica

Markandya, A; Armstrong, BG; Hales, S; Chiabai, A; Criqui, P; Mima, S; Tonne, C; Wilkinson, P
Health and Climate Change 3 Public health benefits of strategies to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions: low-carbon electricity generation

Abadie, L.M. and Chamorro, J.M.
Monte Carlo valuation of natural gas investments
Review of Financial Economics 2009

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