BC3. Basque centre for climate change – Klima aldaketa ikergai

  1. Hasiera
  2. Argitalpenak


Piñero, P., Cazcarro, I., Arto, I., Mäenpää, I., Juutinen, A., Pongrácz, E.
Accounting for Raw Material Embodied in Imports by Multi-regional Input-Output Modelling and Life Cycle Assessment, Using Finland as a Study Case

Alonso O.G., Etxano I.,Garmendia, Eneko
The resurgence of commons and the governance of traditional commons systems at risk: The case of Enirio-Aralar
Lurralde: Investigacion y Espacio

Sainz de Murieta, E.; Galarraga, I.; Sanz-Sanchez, M.J.
COP23: Technical profile with relevant political support
Dyna 93, 22-24

van de Ven, DJ., González-Eguino, M. & Arto, I.
The potential of behavioural change for climate change mitigation: a case study for the European Union
Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change

Moreaux C., Zafra-Calvo N., Vansteelant N.G., Wicander S., Burgess N.D.
Can existing assessment tools be used to track equity in protected area management under Aichi Target 11?
Biological Conservation

Kolosz B.W., Athanasiadis I.N., Cadisch G., Dawson T.P., Giupponi C., Honzák M., Martinez-Lopez J., Marvuglia A., Mojtahed V., Ogutu K.B.Z., Van Delden H., Villa F., Balbi S.
Conceptual advancement of socio-ecological modelling of ecosystem services for re-evaluating Brownfield land
Ecosystem Services

García-Artola A., Stéphan P., Cearreta A., Kopp R.E., Khan N.S., Horton B.P.
Holocene sea-level database from the Atlantic coast of Europe
Quaternary Science Reviews

Man Qi, Tao Sun, SuFeng Xue, Wei Yang, DongDong Shao, Javier Martinez-lopez
Competitive ability, stress tolerance and plant interactions along stress gradients

Chiabai, A., Spadaro, J.V., Neumann, M.B.
Valuing deaths or years of life lost? Economic benefits of avoided mortality from early heat warning systems
Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change

Galán E., Llonch P., Villagrá A., Levit H., Pinto S., Del Prado A.
A systematic review of non-productivity-related animal-based indicators of heat stress resilience in dairy cattle
PLoS One

Martinez-Harms, M.J., Gelcich, S., Krug, R.M., Maseyk, F.J.F., Moersberger, H., Rastogi, A., Wambugu, G., Krug, C.B., Spehn, E.M., Pascual, U.
Framing natural assets for advancing sustainability research: translating different perspectives into actions
Sustainability Science

Jongyeol Lee, Chul-hee Lim, Gang Sun Kim, Anil Markandya, Sarwat Chowdhury, Sea Jin Kim, Woo-Kyun Lee, Yowhan Son
Economic viability of the national-scale forestation program: The case of success in the Republic of Korea
Ecosystem Services, Volume 29, Part A, February 2018, Pages 40-46

Dick J., Turkelboom F., Woods H., Iniesta-Arandia I., Primmer E., Saarela S.-R., Bezák P., Mederly P., Leone M., Verheyden W., Kelemen E., Hauck J., Andrews C., Antunes P., Aszalós R., Baró F., Barton D.N., Berry P., Bugter R., Carvalho L., Czúcz B., Dunf
Stakeholders' perspectives on the operationalisation of the ecosystem service concept: Results from 27 case studies
Ecosystem Services

Zabaleta A., Garmendia E., Mariel P., Tamayo I., Antiguedad I.
Land cover effects on hydrologic services under a precipitation gradient
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences

Kay S, Crous-Durán J, García de Jalón S, Graves A, Palma JHN, Szerencsits E, Weibel R, Herzog F
Landscape-scale modelling of agroforestry ecosystems services: A methodological approach

Espinosa M.P., Pizarro-Irizar C.
Is renewable energy a cost-effective mitigation resource? An application to the Spanish electricity market
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews

Saarikoski H., Primmer E., Saarela S.-R., Antunes P., Aszalós R., Baró F., Berry P., Blanko G.G., Goméz-Baggethun E., Carvalho L., Dick J., Dunford R., Hanzu M., Harrison P.A., Izakovicova Z., Kertész M., Kopperoinen L., Köhler B., Langemeyer J., Lapola D
Institutional challenges in putting ecosystem service knowledge in practice
Ecosystem Services

Rasmussen, L., Coolsaet, B., Martin, A., Mertz, O., Pascual, U., Corbera, E., Dawson, N., Fisher, J., Franks, P., Ryan, C.
Social-ecological outcomes of agricultural intensification
Nature Sustainability

Santini F., Ferrio J.P., Here? A.-M., Notivol E., Piqué M., Serrano L., Shestakova T.A., Sin E., Vericat P., Voltas J.
Scarce population genetic differentiation but substantial spatiotemporal phenotypic variation of water-use efficiency in Pinus sylvestris at its western distribution range
European Journal of Forest Research

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