BC3. Basque centre for climate change – Klima aldaketa ikergai

  1. Hasiera
  2. Pertsonak

Xabier Salgado Irazabal

Xabier Salgado Irazabal

  • Kargua:
    Technical Assistant
  • Ikerketa-lerro nagusia:
  • BC3 Research Line:
    3. Research Line Terrestrial Ecosystems
  • Harremanetarako xehetasunak:
    E-posta: xabier.salgado@bc3research.org
    Telefonoa: +34 944 014 690

Short CV

Field ecologist with a broad fascination about all the aspects of biodiversity. I am passionate about fieldwork and wildlife, with experience sampling a multitude of taxa in places and habitats as diverse as the Iberian Peninsula, the tropical and subtropical forests of the Neotropic, or the deserts and savannahs of northwest Africa.

I am currently working as a Research Technician at GorBEEa project under the supervision of Dr. Ainhoa Magrach. Collecting and analyzing data on plant and pollinator communities and their interactions in Gorbeia Natural Park (Basque Country), to investigate the role of biodiversity in maintaining ecosystem functioning and stability.

The opinions expressed at the information included in the personal web pages of the BC3 researchers, are responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the position of Basque Centre for Climate Change (BC3).

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