BC3. Basque centre for climate change – Klima aldaketa ikergai

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  3. Policy Briefings


BC3 Working papers

BC3 Policy briefings

The adoption of ecosystem-based adaptation in the international climate agenda

Gako-hitzak: Adaptation, ecosystem services, ecosystem-based adaptation, climate policy

Autorea(k): Elena Ojea

Data: 2014-02-05

Alea: 2014-02

  Behera kargatu Policy Briefings hau (PDF) (1 MB.)

• There is a growing recognition of the role that healthy ecosystems play in helping people to adapt to climate change through the delivery of ecosystem services.
• Ecosystem-based Adaptation promotes the sustainable use of biodiversity and ecosystem services to adapt to climate change.
• Ecosystem-based Adaptation is emerging on the international agenda but more evidence from the field is needed to understand the potential range of benefits.
• Examples of Ecosystem-based Adaptation show that these measures have been successfully implemented and can be cost-effective alternatives and/or complements to more traditional adaptation options.
• Challenges and future needs are discussed in order to incorporate Ecosystem-based Adaptation into national and regional adaptation policies.

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