BC3. Basque centre for climate change – Klima aldaketa ikergai

  1. Hasiera
  2. Prentsa
  3. Joint Project of BC3 and EDF

2016ko geroztik BC3-ko Berriak hurrengo blog-ean izango dira eskuragarri news.bc3research.org.

2016ko Urtarrilak baino lehenagoko Berriak jarraian aurkituko dituzu

Joint Project of BC3 and EDF

The purpose of this project is to develop the existing Integrated Assessment Models (IAMs), with a view to answering a number of questions that have arisen from the application of the existing models.

The resulting model should be transparent and available for all who want to use it to show how choices in the area of climate policy are influenced by the objective function chosen and the assumptions about key parameters. The aim is to have a paper ready for publication by November 2009 and for possible presentation in Copenhagen at the COP.

The work will be carried out under the direction of Professor A. Markandya, Scientific Director of BC3 and Dr. A. Golub, Senior Research Fellow, EDF.


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