BC3. Basque centre for climate change – Klima aldaketa ikergai


AXA Postdoctoral Fellowship Marta Olazabal - Can we measure the effectiveness of public investments in urban climate resilience?

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After the Paris agreement, the need to collect more information about current efforts and progress towards adaptation is patent. Because of this, understanding the strengths and weaknesses of current adaptation policies is critical for public and private decision-making so that efforts can be well targeted, public funds and private investments can be effectively allocated, best-practices can be transferred and ultimately, adaptation science and practice can advance. When it comes to cities, local climate adaptation planning is relatively new. Earliest local adaptation plans began emerging about ten years ago and are an increasingly important component of the international climate policy agenda. It turns therefore critical to evaluate if and how local authorities are acting to adapt and whether local climate adaptation plans are on track to effectively reduce future risks. 

In this project, a large-n (> 20 cities) experiment will be conducted to assess the quality and effectiveness of climate change adaptation public policies and investments in cities. The study will provide information on whether current urban adaptation initiatives across the world are being designed according to the risks they are exposed to. Results will be useful to assess whether investments in urban climate resilience are on track to be effective i.e. reducing vulnerability and building adaptive capacity. Linking with previous research undertaken by BC3 colleagues in the Adaptation Lab (see ECONADAPT and RESIN), the methodological approach will combine information characterising urban adaptation initiatives (looking at policy and economic aspects, scientific knowledge and legitimacy) and tailored risk functions that allow to account for the uncertainty of climate change. The sample set will cover developed and developing cities. Results are also expected to contribute building a global reference baseline on adaptation policy action in world-wide coastal cities, that will hopefully help to track progress towards (effective) adaptation.

Start date: 24 September 2018

End date: 23 September 2020

 Key people involved in BC3:

Marta Olazabal

María Ruiz de Gopegui Aramburu  

BC3 Collaborators:

Elisa Sainz de Murieta

Ibon Galarraga

Anil Markandya

Guest collaborators:

Kayin Venner (October 2018 – February 2019)

Rachel Smith (January 2019 – March 2019)

 Website: https://clic.bc3research.org/


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