Proposal title Holistic management practices, modelling and monitoring for European forest soils | ||
Current knowledge gaps on forest soil processes and lack of a harmonised soil monitoring framework limit the EU’s ability to achieve LULUCF sector climate policy targets by optimising soil and forest management practices. Holistic sustainable management practices are needed to maintain and enhance soil biodiversity and resilience, and to provide various ecosystem services, incl. reduction of soil GHG emissions. |
Forest and peatland soils have high climate change mitigation
potential, but their contribution is fully not considered in the LULUCF
sector’s GHG projections and inventories, because applicable soil
modelling and monitoring methods are not established. Currently, nine of
the 28 member states have included forest soils in national GHG
HoliSoils advances knowledge on functions of microbiota in soil nutrient cycling and GHG fluxes and integrates the experimental knowledge into models. HoliSoils develops integrated and harmonised tools for soil monitoring (especially for GHG inventory). HoliSoils identifies and tests management practices reducing GHG emissions on mineral and organic soils, and minimizing soil degradation after disturbances. Empirical knowledge on the processes and responses of management will improve numerical forecasting of soil GHG exchange and adaptation and evaluation of ecosystem services. HoliSoils’ outputs include operational soil GHG estimation methods applicable for GHG inventories in the EU and beyond, next generation soil models on microbiota driven processes of nutrient cycling and GHG fluxes, advanced analytical techniques for assessment of soil microbial diversity and functions resulting climate-smart solutions for holistic soil and forest management. HoliSoils’ impacts will include: reduced uncertainty of soil GHG inventories, aimed at enabling carbon transfer through market mechanism development; enhanced capacity of the EU’s to reach SDG 2030 targets and climate-neutrality by 2050, as set out in the EU Green Deal. |
Start date: 2021-05-01 |
End date:2025-10-31 |
Call: H2020-LC-SFS-22-2020 |
Partners in HoliSoils: |
Key people involved in BC3: |
Jorge Curiel - Yuste |
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This project has received funding from the European Union Horizon 2020 Research and Innovations programme under Grant Agreement Nº 101000289 |