BC3. Basque centre for climate change – Klima aldaketa ikergai

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Ruben Serrano Zulueta

Ruben Serrano Zulueta

  • Cargo:
    Junior Researcher - PhD Student
  • Principal línea de investigación:
    Ecology of grazing and livestock systems
  • BC3 Research Line:
    3. Research Line Terrestrial Ecosystems,3.2. Research Group Agriculture, Land Use and Forestry
  • Información de contacto:
    Email: ruben.serrano@bc3research.org
    Teléfono: +34 944 014 690
  • Scopus Author ID: 58143669200
  • ORCID ID: 0000-0002-4929-2804

Short CV

Rubén Serrano-Zulueta is a PhD student in Environmental Agrobiology. With a degree in Food Science and Technology, he aims for a global sustainable food system. He works to better understand the implications of livestock activity from a socio-ecological perspective. There are many challenges to achieving sustainability in the food system, starting from a fair allocation of environmental impacts like GHG or resource use. So he studies the environmental impacts attributed to pastoralism by estimating natural impacts from wild herbivory in absence of livestock activity. He also does social and anthropological research on grazing systems like Regenerative Rangeland Management or traditional pastoralism.

Journal Articles

  • 2024
  • Serrano-Zulueta, R., Gómez-Sal, A., Pauné, F., Velado-Alonso, E., Garzón, J., del Prado, A., Herrera, P.M., Majadas, J., Pasetti, F., Prada-Llorente, E., Manzano, P. 2024. A CLASSIFICATION OF PASTORALISM IN SPAIN: UNDERSTANDING THE PAST TO ADDRESS PRESENT CHALLENGES. Nomadic Peoples. 28. (2) 242-274. DOI (10.3828/whpnp.63837646691057).
  • 2023
  • Serrano-Zulueta, R., Del Prado, A., Manzano, P. 2023. Regenerative rangeland management farmers in Spain: enthusiastic among a great diversity in farming conditions. Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems. 47. (6) 810-833. DOI (10.1080/21683565.2023.2195359).
  • Serrano-Zulueta, R., Pardo, G., Pauné, F., del Prado, A., Manzano, P. 2023. Herbivory baseline estimates in Spanish protected areas, and environmental implications. Landscape Ecology. 38. (12) 3713-3729. DOI (10.1007/s10980-023-01783-y).

Other Publications

  • 2023
  • Francesca Pasetti, Rubén Serrano-Zulueta, Pablo Manzano, Pedro M. Herrera. 2023. Accounting for pastoralists in Spain. League for Pastoral Peoples and Endogenous Livestock Breeding.

BC3 Working Papers & Policy Briefings

The opinions expressed at the information included in the personal web pages of the BC3 researchers, are responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the position of Basque Centre for Climate Change (BC3).