BC3. Basque centre for climate change – Klima aldaketa ikergai

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  2. Pertsonak

Arkaitz Usubiaga Liaño

Arkaitz Usubiaga Liaño

  • Kargua:
    Postdoctoral Researcher
  • Ikerketa-lerro nagusia:
    environmentally-extended input-output analysis; environmental indicators
  • BC3 Research Line:
    2. Research Line Low Carbon
  • Harremanetarako xehetasunak:
    E-posta: arkaitz.usubiaga@bc3research.org
    Telefonoa: +34 94-401 46 90 ext. 143
  • Scopus Author ID: 55824074700
  • ORCID ID: 0000-0002-2352-5489

Short CV

Arkaitz is a postdoctoral researcher at BC3 working on the low carbon research line. He has a PhD from the Institute for Sustainable Resources at University College London, where he has developed alternative metrics of environmental sustainability for countries. Prior to joining University College London, Arkaitz was a research fellow at the research group on Material Flows and Resource Management of the Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy in Germany. During the time in Wuppertal, he specialised on environmental accounting and indicators, environmentally-extended input-output analysis and resource efficiency in a wide range of projects funded by the European Commission, the European Environment Agency and the European Parliament.
Arkaitz holds a degree in environmental sciences and a degree in chemistry, both from the University of the Basque Country. He is also member of the International Society for Industrial Ecology.

Journal Articles

  • 2024
  • Sato, M., Usubiaga-Liaño, A., Fairbrass, A., Ekins, P., Asuka, J. 2024. Monitoring environmental sustainability in Japan: an ESGAP assessment. Sustainability Science. 19. (2) 539-553. DOI (10.1007/s11625-023-01441-x).
  • Usubiaga-Liaño, A., Ekins, P. 2024. Methodological choices for reflecting strong sustainability in composite indices. Ecological Economics. 221. DOI (10.1016/j.ecolecon.2024.108192).
  • 2023
  • Usubiaga-Liaño, A., Ekins, P. 2023. Are we on the right path? Measuring progress towards environmental sustainability in European countries. Sustainability Science. 18. (2) 755-770. DOI (10.1007/s11625-022-01167-2).
  • 2022
  • Chrysafi, A., Virkki, V., Jalava, M., Sandström, V., Piipponen, J., Porkka, M., Lade, S.J., La Mere, K., Wang-Erlandsson, L., Scherer, L., Andersen, L.S., Bennett, E., Brauman, K.A., Cooper, G.S., De Palma, A., Döll, P., Downing, A.S., DuBois, T.C., Fetzer, I., Fulton, E.A., Gerten, D., Jaafar, H., Jägermeyr, J., Jaramillo, F., Jung, M., Kahiluoto, H., Lassaletta, L., Mackay, A.W., Mason-D’Croz, D., Mekonnen, M.M., Nash, K.L., Pastor, A.V., Ramankutty, N., Ridoutt, B., Siebert, S., Simmons, B.I., Staal, A., Sun, Z., Tobian, A., Usubiaga-Liaño, A., van der Ent, R.J., van Soesbergen, A., Verburg, P.H., Wada, Y., Zipper, S., Kummu, M. 2022. Quantifying Earth system interactions for sustainable food production via expert elicitation. Nature Sustainability. 5 (10) 830-842. DOI (10.1038/s41893-022-00940-6).
  • 2021
  • Usubiaga-Liaño, A., Arto, I., Acosta-Fernández, J. 2021. Double accounting in energy footprint and related assessments: How common is it and what are the consequences?. Energy. 222. DOI (10.1016/j.energy.2021.119891).

Affiliation previous to BC3

• Usubiaga-Liaño, A., and Ekins, P. (2021). Time for Science-Based National Targets for Environmental Sustainability: An Assessment of Existing Metrics and the ESGAP Framework. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 524.
• Usubiaga-Liaño, A., and Ekins, P. (2021). Monitoring the environmental sustainability of countries through the strong environmental sustainability index. Ecological Indicators, 132: 108281.
• Usubiaga-Liaño, A., Arto, I. and Acosta-Fernández, J. (2021). Double accounting in energy footprint and related assessments: how common is it and what are the consequences? Energy, 119891.
• Gibran V., Rao, N., Usubiaga-Liaño, A., Min, J. and Wood, R. (2021). Durable-related goods drive two-thirds of global households’ final energy footprints. Environmental Science & Technology, 55 (5), 3175-3187.
• Usubiaga?Liaño, A., Behrens, P., and Daioglou, V. (2020). Energy use in the global food system. Journal of Industrial Ecology, 24 (4), 830-840.
• Mastrucci, A., Min, J., Usubiaga-Liaño, A., and Rao, N. D. (2020). A framework for modelling consumption-based energy demand and emission pathways. Environmental Science & Technology, 54 (3), 1799-1807.
• Nechifor, V., Calzadilla, A., Bleischwitz, R., Winning, M., Tian, X., and Usubiaga, A. (2020). Steel in a circular economy: Global implications of a green shift in China. World Development, 127, 104775.
• Usubiaga-Liaño, A., Mace, G. M., and Ekins, P. (2019). Limits to agricultural land for retaining acceptable levels of local biodiversity. Nature Sustainability, 2(6), 491-498.
• Usubiaga, A., Butnar, I. and Schepelmann, P. (2018). Wasting food, wasting resources: Potential environmental savings through food waste reductions. Journal of Industrial Ecology 22 (3), 574-584
• Stadler, K., Wood, R., Bulavskaya, T., Södersten, C.J., Simas, M., Schmidt, S., Usubiaga, A., Acosta-Fernández, J., Kuenen, J., Bruckner, M., Giljum, S., Lutter, S., Merciai, S., Schmidt, J.H., Theurl, M.C., Plutzar, C., Kastner, T., Eisenmenger, N., Erb, K.?H., de Koning, A. and Tukker, A. (2018). EXIOBASE 3 – Developing a time series of detailed Environmentally Extended Multi-Regional Input-Output tables. Journal of Industrial Ecology 22 (3), 502-515
• McDowall, W., Solano-Rodríguez, B., Usubiaga, A. and Acosta-Fernandez, J. (2018). Is the optimal decarbonization pathway influenced by indirect emissions? Incorporating indirect life-cycle emissions into a European TIMES model. Journal of Cleaner Production, 170, 260-268
• Usubiaga, A., Acosta-Fernández, J., McDowall, W. and Li, F. (2017). Exploring the macro-scale CO2 mitigation potential of photovoltaics and wind energy in Europe’s energy transition. Energy Policy, 104, 203–213
• Usubiaga, A. and Acosta-Fernández, J. (2015). Carbon emission accounting in MRIO models: the territory vs. the residence principle. Economic Systems Research, 27, 458-477
• Wood, R., Stadler, K., Bulavskaya, T., Lutter, S., Giljum, S., de Koning, A., Kuenen, J., Schütz, H., Acosta-Fernandez, J., Usubiaga, A., Simas, M., Ivanova, O., Schmidt, J., Merciai, S., Tukker, A. (2015). Global sustainability accounting - developing EXIOBASE for multi-regional footprint analysis. Sustainability, 7, 138-163

Affiliation previous to BC3

• Ekins, P., & Usubiaga, A. (2019). Brundtland+ 30: the continuing need for an indicator of environmental sustainability. In: Linnerud, K., Holden, E., Langhelle, O., Banister, D. and Meadowcroft, J. (eds.). What Next for Sustainable Development? Edward Elgar Publishing.
• Bahn-Walkowiak, B., Usubiaga, A., Schepelmann, P. (2012). EU Structural and Cohesion Policy and Sustainable Development. In: Kreiser et al. (ed.). Carbon Pricing, Growth and the Environment. Critical Issues in Environmental Taxation, Volume XI.

Affiliation previous to BC3

• Fairbrass, A., Usubiaga-Liaño, A., Ekins, P. and Milligan, B. (2020). Data opportunities and challenges for calculating a global Strong Environmental Sustainability (SES) index. AFD Research Papers, No. 2020-133.
• Ekins, P., Milligan, B. and Usubiaga-Liaño, A. (2019). A single indicator of strong sustainability for development: Theoretical basis and practical implementation. AFD Research Papers, No. 2019-112.
• EEA - European Environment Agency (2014). Progress on resource efficiency and decoupling in the EU-27 - Messages emerging from environmentally extended input-output analysis with relevance to the Resource Efficiency Roadmap and the 7th Environment Action Program. EEA Technical Report No 7/2014. [Authors: Watson, D., Acosta Fernández, J., Usubiaga, A. and Schütz, H.]
• Usubiaga, A., Bahn-Walkowiak, B., Schepelmann, P., Rozo, J.A., Tunçer, B., Hicks, C.D. and Guillén, G. (2012). Institutional framework for sustainable development in the context of the forthcoming Rio+20 Summit. Study for the European Parliament's Committee on Environment, Public Health and Food Safety.
• Usubiaga, A., Schepelmann, P., Bahn-Walkowiak, B., Altmann, M.,Landgrebe, R., Piotrowski, R. (2011). EU Subsidies for polluting and unsustainable practices. IP/A/ENVI/ST/17. Study for the European Parliament's Committee on Environment, Public Health and Food Safety.
The opinions expressed at the information included in the personal web pages of the BC3 researchers, are responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the position of Basque Centre for Climate Change (BC3).