BC3. Basque centre for climate change – Klima aldaketa ikergai

Klimagune Summer School Training Caravan Seminars UPV BC3


Amsterdam, Netherlands, 25th June 2009

17th Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists.

Prof. Anil Markandya presented a paper, was part of a panel discussion and was co-author of 3 other papers that were presented.

Dr. Aline Chiabai participated with the paper "Economic Valuation of Forest Ecosystem Services: Methodology and Values".

Dr. Elena Ojea gave the speech "Mapping of Forest Biodiversity Values: A Plural Perspective".

Dr. Julia Martin-Ortega participated in the Water Pre-Conference with the European Association of Environment and Resource Economics with the paper "Modelling water security choices in the face of water scarcity in Southern Europe and test for transferability".

EAERE 2009


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