BC3. Basque centre for climate change – Klima aldaketa ikergai

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Klimagune Summer School Training Caravan Seminars UPV BC3

Conferences & Workshops

DECCMA Northern Team Meeting


Logo deccma

During the 18th and the 2oth of 0 May 2015, the Northern Team of DECCMA (DEltas, vulnerability and Climate Change; Migration as an Adaptation) research project, are meeting in Bilbao at the Basque Centre for Climate Change (BC3).

20 scientific experts will be discussing the key research decisions of the projects and will cover the updates on WP activities carried out and future planning.

Description of the DECCMA research project:

With their large and often poor populations in low-lying areas, deltas have long been seen as highly vulnerable to climate change and non-climate drivers with, in the most extreme, large-scale displacement of people being the result. Migration is a complex process which is already occurring in all deltas, largely independent of climate change. Most research on deltas and migration tends to focus on individual system elements and issues rather than taking a systems-level perspective. This fails to consider the wider consequences of climate change and the interdependence between these phenomena and people’s behaviour. In contrast to previous research, this programme of research takes a systemic and multi-scale analytical perspective to understand gendered vulnerability and adaptation in deltas under a changing climate by analysing four contrasting populous delta systems in South Asia and Africa where there is significant potential for migration.
The dual research aims are:
•    to assess migration as an adaptation in deltaic environments with a changing climate
•    to deliver policy support to create the conditions for sustainable gender-sensitive adaptation.


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Foro Social. Estrategia Vasca de Cambio Climático 2050

Participa en la elaboración de la Estrategia Vasca de Cambio Climático 2050

El Gobierno vasco, a través del Departamento de Medio Ambiente y Política Territorial, está trabajando en la elaboración de la Estrategia Vasca de Cambio Climático 2050. Para poder afrontar este  importante reto ambiental, el Gobierno Vasco quiere recoger las aportaciones que puedan realizar a este documento la sociedad vasca (empresas, clusters, asociaciones, centros de investigación, etc.). Con este fin el próximo miércoles 25 de marzo se ha organizado una sesión de participación pública que está abierta a todos estos agentes económicos, sociales y políticos.

El principal objetivo de la sesión es contrastar las principales líneas de actuación que sería relevante que la Estrategia recogiese.

Irakurri gehiago...


Gizarte Foroa. Klima Aldaketaren 2050erako EAE-ko Estrategia

Hartu parte 2050erako klima-aldaketaren Euskadiko estrategia prestatzen

Eusko Jaurlaritzak, Ingurumen eta Lurralde Politika Sailaren bidez, 2050erako klima-aldaketaren Euskadiko estrategia prestatzen ari da. Ingurumenaren erronka garrantzitsu honi aurre egiteko, Eusko Jaurlaritzak Euskadiko gizarteak (enpresak, klusterrak, elkarteak, ikerketa zentroak, etab.) dokumentuari egin diezazkioketen ekarpenak bildu nahi ditu. Hala, datorren asteazkenean, martxoak 25, eragile ekonomikoek, sozialek eta politikoek parte hartzeko saio bat izango da.

Saioaren helburu nagusia estrategiak jaso beharko lituzkeen jarduera ildo nagusiak aztertzea izango da.

Irakurri gehiago...


"Future Options for EU Climate Policies and their Public Acceptability Workshop"

BC3 co-organizes Workshop Cecilia 2050 Workshop
"Future Options for EU Climate Policies and their Public Acceptability"
22 October 2014 (Charles University in Prague)

The CECILIA2050 research project is entering its last and third year and is preparing to focus on its ultimate goal of formulating near-term and medium-term policy recommendations: how could andshould the EU climate policy mix evolve to put the EU on track towards a low-carbon economy? What is the role for economic instruments (carbon pricing) in the policy mix, and for which decisions areplanning tools necessary? How should climate and energy policy should interact? It is one thing to analyse which policies appear most efficient and effective. Yet, to be implementedsuccessfully, any policy mix will also need public acceptance – in the current political and economic climate even more so than in the past. In this context, the objective of this workshop will be to explorethe acceptability of different types of climate policies, in order to understand how the design of policy
instruments affects their acceptability. This will be explored both at the EU level and at the Member State level, such as the Czech Republic.

The workshop is meant to provide a forum to discuss different approaches and policy instruments (market based vs. technology focused vs. behavioural), looking also at public preferences for differentpolicy approaches and, therefore, their acceptability.

The workshop will last a full day (9-17:30), October 22nd, 2014. It will take place at Charles University in Prague (Rectorate Building, Ovocný trh 3, Praha 1).The day before, CECILIA 2050 consortium is hosting an internal meeting, presenting and debating current analysis on climate policies in Europe beyond 2020, which will bring non-Chez experts intotown that could also participate in the workshop.

The workshop targets an audience of 30-40 participants, including experts from academia, from
government, think tanks and civil society. This small group will allow for a targeted debate and will
give everyone the opportunity to contribute directly to the conversation.


Read More Cecilia2050 workshop 22 October


The FLAGSHIP workshop will be held in Bilbao on Friday, 24th October.

The workshop is hosted by the Basque Centre for Climate Change (BC3), under the title of“Governance challenges, territorial dynamics and their feedback into integrated scenarios building”


 Flagship workshop bilbao 20141024

After having assessed and analyzed the state-of-art of Forward Looking Analysis methodologies, and having worked on innovative quantitative and qualitative tools, methods and models to assess Grand Societal Challenges, FLAGSHIP partners are now developing a Policy Brief and are looking for experts’ views and contributions. The on-going work and the questions that emerged will be presented during this one-day workshop. The workshop will include sessions on:
• FLAGSHIP storylines on global scenarios
• FLAGSHIP analysis on the territorial differentiations of exposure and sensitivity
• FLAGSHIP legal governance scenarios and related toolbox of indicators


Emaitzak 1 - 9 -(e)tik 85

Geure cookieak eta hirugarrenenak erabiltzen ditugu gure zerbitzuak hobetzeko eta nabigazioa aztertuz aukerarik onenak eskaintzeko.
Nabigatzen jarraitzen baduzu, haiek erabiltzea onartzen duzula ulertzen dugu. Informazio gehiago nahi izanez gero, egin klik hemen.