BC3. Basque centre for climate change – Klima aldaketa ikergai

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  3. BC3 hedabideetan

2016ko geroztik BC3-ko Berriak hurrengo blog-ean izango dira eskuragarri news.bc3research.org.

2016ko Urtarrilak baino lehenagoko Berriak jarraian aurkituko dituzu

BC3 hedabideetan

Round Table at BioGune

astelehena, 2008 (e)ko abenduak 15

Bilbao, Basque Country, 20th October 2008.

Irakurri gehiago...


Meeting on Developing a research Agenda on Climate Change and Health.

astelehena, 2008 (e)ko abenduak 15

 Madrid, Spain, 6th-8th October.

Irakurri gehiago...


European Environment Agency

astelehena, 2008 (e)ko abenduak 15

Copenhagen, Denmark, 1st October 2008

Irakurri gehiago...


Final Meeting of the CASES Project

astelehena, 2008 (e)ko abenduak 15

Milan, Italy, 29th -30th September 2008

Irakurri gehiago...


Rural Development and its Energy, Environment and Climate Change Adaptation Policy

astelehena, 2008 (e)ko abenduak 15

Beijing, China, 16th -18th September 2008

Irakurri gehiago...


Importancia de los proyectos regionales en la lucha contra el cambio climático

ostirala, 2008 (e)ko abenduak 12

Fuente: Dpto. Medio Ambiente y Ordenación del Territorio 

La consejera de Medio Ambiente y Ordenación del Territorio,Esther Larrañaga, junto a los Premios Nobel de la Paz, Rajendra Pachauri y Wangari Mathai, impartirá una conferencia en el marco de la Cumbre Climática de Poznan (Polonia) en la que pondrán de manifiesto la relevancia de los proyectos ambientales que se realizan a nivel regional y su capacidad para luchar contra los efectos del cambio climático.La conferencia tendrá lugar el miércoles 10 de diciembre a las 9 de la mañana en el Museo Antropológico de Poznan.

Irakurri gehiago...


International Workshop on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation

ostirala, 2008 (e)ko azaroak 21

18 November 2008, Italy

Organized by Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei, Italy, and the Environmental Defense Fund, USA.

The workshop aims to inform policymakers and the public opinion on the potential contribution of REDD in future international climate agreements, stimulating a discussion among scientists, policy makers and civil society on such an increasingly crucial issue in the climate change debate. The workshop will bring together a broad audience of selected international researchers, policymakers and stakeholders allowing for the dissemination and exchange of the latest research and policy proposals.

Irakurri gehiago...


World Summit of Regions.

osteguna, 2008 (e)ko azaroak 20

“Climate change: Regions in action” Saint-Malo (France), 29/30 October 2008

Anil Markandya participated in the 3rd session "New Technologies and Renewable Energy" of the World Summit of Regions.

Irakurri gehiago...


International Workshop on Agriculture in Brasilia

asteazkena, 2008 (e)ko azaroak 19

Brasilia, 13th of November, 2008

Dr Niggol Seo, Research Proffesor at BC3, presents the Article: Animal Husbandry in South America - An Economic Analysis of Vulnerabilities and Adaptations to Climate Change, coauthored with Dr.Mendelsohn of The School of Forestry and Environmental Studies at Yale University.

Irakurri gehiago...


Joint Project of BC3 and EDF

osteguna, 2008 (e)ko urriak 30

The purpose of this project is to develop the existing Integrated Assessment Models (IAMs), with a view to answering a number of questions that have arisen from the application of the existing models.

Irakurri gehiago...


Presentación del centro BC3 de investigación para el cambio climático.

asteartea, 2008 (e)ko irailak 30

Euskadi, pionera del Estado en investigación del cambio climático

Ikerbasque y la UPV han creado el primer centro del Estado español para estudiar las consecuencias y soluciones de este fenómeno. Esther Larrañaga ha exigido a Zapatero la transferencia de la competencia de innovación.

Irakurri gehiago...


Emaitzak 211 - 224 -(e)tik 224

Geure cookieak eta hirugarrenenak erabiltzen ditugu gure zerbitzuak hobetzeko eta nabigazioa aztertuz aukerarik onenak eskaintzeko.
Nabigatzen jarraitzen baduzu, haiek erabiltzea onartzen duzula ulertzen dugu. Informazio gehiago nahi izanez gero, egin klik hemen.