BC3. Basque centre for climate change – Klima aldaketa ikergai

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  2. Ekintzak
  3. Conferences & Workshops

Klimagune Summer School Training Caravan Seminars UPV BC3

Conferences & Workshops

Summer School 2011

Adaptation to Climate Change: An essential part of the Climate Change Policy

Donostia, 20th-22nd of July 2011

Irakurri gehiago...


Summer School 2010

Climate Change: zooming in on the problem and its solution

Donostia, 21st-23th of July 2010


Irakurri gehiago...



Workshop 2011: Multidisciplinary views of Climate Change

Bilbao, 3rd of March, 2011

Irakurri gehiago...



Workshop 2011: Addressing Climate Change through Adaptation

Bilbao, 6th of May, 2011

Irakurri gehiago...


Workshop: Professor Mario Molina

Fast-action GHG emissions mitigation strategies: Strengthening the Montreal Protocol and other measures to reduce non-CO2 GHG emissions.

Irakurri gehiago...


Emaitzak 19 - 27 -(e)tik 85

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