BC3. Basque centre for climate change – Klima aldaketa ikergai

  1. Hasiera
  2. Ekintzak

Klimagune Summer School Training Caravan Seminars UPV BC3


RUENA Network meeting.

Girona, Spain, 6th May,2009

Irakurri gehiago...


XEROCHORE: EU Network on Drought.

Amsterdam,Netherlands,17th July,2009

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Workshop: Scoping Meeting of the 5th IPCC Assessment.

Venice,Italy, 13th July, 2009

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CLIMATE COST: Estimates of damages.

Venice, Italy,22nd June, 2009

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Workshop: Zero Carbon and Regional Development.

Bristol, UK,8th June,2009

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Workshop: Value Transfer and Scaling Up.

Copenhagen, Denmark, 4th June,2009

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Conference: Energy efficiency, security of energy supply and environmental policy.

Comparative EU assessment on EU27 and beyond.

Rome, Italy, 21st May,2009

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Lecture: Climate Change and Agriculture.

Piacenza, Italy, 22nd April,2009

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Lecture: Disasters and their Impacts on the Four Capitals.

Milan, Italy, 17th April,2009

Irakurri gehiago...


Workshop: The role of economic rent.

The role of economic rent and its valuation in the context of access to genetic resources and the fair and equitable sharing of the benefits arising out of their utilization.

Paris, France, 4th April,2009

Irakurri gehiago...


Emaitzak 141 - 160 -(e)tik 190

Geure cookieak eta hirugarrenenak erabiltzen ditugu gure zerbitzuak hobetzeko eta nabigazioa aztertuz aukerarik onenak eskaintzeko.
Nabigatzen jarraitzen baduzu, haiek erabiltzea onartzen duzula ulertzen dugu. Informazio gehiago nahi izanez gero, egin klik hemen.