BC3. Basque centre for climate change – Klima aldaketa ikergai

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BC3 has a strong and strategicrelationship with many leading research institutions worldwide that allowed the promotion of scientific networks:

  • REMEDIA Network : BC3 has fostered the establishment of REMEDIA network (Scientific Network on the Mitigation of GHG Emissions from Agroforestry Activities) in 2011. Created by BC3 to promote exchange and dissemination of scientific and strategic information among the researches working the mitigation of GHG emissions from agriculture and forestry sectors, as well to public and private sector, in Spain. The Spanish Ministry of Agriculture, Food Administration and Environmental Protection (MAGRAMA), acknowledged the importance of this initiative for its contributions to the improvement of the scientific basis of the estimated GHG inventory for the Spanish agroforestry industry. Currently, REMEDIA network is made of around 150 researches, spread through very diverse geographic regions and academic fields. Since 2015, REMEDIA is moving towards a transnational network by integrating scientists from Spanish speaking countries working in the area of agriculture and climate change.

  • INCCCET: BC3 is founder member of the International Network of Climate Change Centres of Excellence and Think-Tanks for Capacity Building (INCCCET) that follow up of the Paris Agreement” and contribute towards a model for the creation a global network of think tanks that could help south-south and north-south collaboration in climate policy in collaboration with the Maroc Presidency of COP22 and 11 additional research centres.

  • NUT-GIGAKU: Global network of universities, research institutes, small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), to promote short- and long-term exchange of students and researchers (GIGAKU Education and Research Network), as well as knowledge and technology transfer among academia and SMEs (GIGAKU TechnoPark Network). BC3 host the secretariat in Europe.
  • ECOSOIL: Understanding the soil system, how it works and its vulnerability to today's global challenges, such as climate change and increasing land useintensification, is an effort that can only be encompassed from a multidisciplinary and systemic perspective. The enormous ecological complexityof the soil system, being the most biodiverse on the planet, contrasts with its fragility and, above all, the lack of depth in the knowledge of theecological mechanisms that support its functioning and resilience. In the ECOSOIL Network, we hypothesize that conservation and adaptation ofsoils to these changes cannot be explained without understanding its ecology, the role of its biodiversity and the trophic/non-trophic relationships in its functioning and, ultimately, in its capacity to provide services to the society. The ECOSOIL Network proposes, therefore, to build amultidisciplinary consortium that facilitates and stimulates the interaction between experts in different fields of natural and physical knowledge, inorder to generate the biological and ecological base-knowledge necessary to advance our understanding soil system functioning.

  • NUEVA: The Excellence Network NUEVA has as main objective to analyze the state of emission factors (EF) of greenhouse gases (GHG) in the Spanish agricultural sector and proposemeasures that allow to improve their accuracy in the future. The global context of climatechange and binding agreements following the Paris Summit Agreement make it necessary to address an in-depth study of emission factors so that, on the one hand, the Spanish inventory system adequately reports according to the productive reality of the country and,on the other hand, so that mitigation strategies applied in any activity can be computed. This objective is clearly limited by the heterogeneity of production systems in Spain and the lackof a coordinated effort at national level to address the peculiarities of these systems. TheNetwork NUEVA has a multidisciplinary team of 9 national and international referencecenters in the study of GHG, crop management, C and N cycles in agricultural soils, animalfeeding, excreta management, agroforestry systems, inventory calculation and integrationand modeling at different scales.


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