- Hasiera
- Ikerketa
- Ikerketa Helburu Orokorrak
- 1. Helburua
Objective 1: Understand past and future climate changes
Realistic and effective climate policies require a clear understanding
of the physical basis of climate change. Which BC3 achieves through
activities that are carried on in an integrated manner through four
dimensions of integration: observation (field campaigns and development
of new methodologies for sampling and recording of observations at
extreme and vulnerable environments), theory (conceptual and
mathematical modelling of physical phenomena, including development of
completely new complex-system models and theories -e.g. the theory of
Continuous Diversity-, as well as digital and statistical analysis of
records) experiment (BC3’s IzotzaLab: low-temperature science &
technology laboratory for innovative microscopic studies of frozen
samples -ice cores- and development of new technologies optoelectronics,
planetary science, etc.) and understanding (knowledge co-production and
transfer through citizen science and the study of indigenous knowledge,
collaborations with social groups and researchers of social sciences
and humanities) and education (e.g. through the GIGAKU Network). While
the first three dimensions build up the classical physical sciences
triad (theoretical, field, and laboratory work), the fourth dimension
relates the physical processes to their human perception and awareness.
Activity 1.1. Learning from the past: analysis of ancient and recent climate and environmental history.
The study of climate records —from recent instrumental observations to
ancient paleoclimate records extracted from multiple natural archives—
is fundamental for improving our understanding of climate change and its
relation to human endeavours. The key topics investigated through
climate records are detection and attribution of climate change,
variability and emergence of the climate signal, causes of abrupt
climate changes and tipping points, and drivers of extreme weather
events. Furthermore, we have special interest in investigating the
origins, scope, reliability, and integrity of climate records. The main
climate archives that we investigate are ice cores, snow pits,
instrumental and historical records (including narratives from
indigenous knowledge), tree rings, speleothems, and sediment cores. Most
natural archive samples are analysed directly the IzotzaLab, using
multiple microscopy techniques, geochemical and thermomechanical tests,
and digital image analysis. Climate data, ranging from narratives to
time series and geospatial big data, are studied using
semantic–pragmatic analysis, descriptive and inferential statistics,
statistical learning, map processing, regression and time-series
analysis, downscaling and reanalysis techniques.
Activity 1.2. Exploring the present: changes in extreme and vulnerable environments.
Vulnerable environments often represent effective early-warning systems
for climate and environmental change. In particular, extreme
environments characterized by extreme climatic conditions tend to be
notably vulnerable, not only because of their fragile and unique
ecosystems, but also because such extreme climatic conditions are often
susceptible to abrupt changes and tipping points. Examples are polar
regions, high-mountain environments, deserts, caves and karsts. BC3
investigates the ongoing changes in such environments through diverse
approaches, ranging from theory, modelling, and data analysis to
experimental and field work in sites like Antarctica, Greenland, Alaska,
Siberia, Arctic Canada, Hindu-Kush–Himalaya, Tibetan Plateau,
Patagonia, the Andes, Pyrenees, European Alps, Sahel, South Atlantic,
Amazonia, and solar system environments, among others.
Activity 1.3. Looking upon the future: Climate and environmental modelling, projections and scenarios.
Models are the prevailing tools in climate and environmental sciences to
look upon the future, and at BC3 we deal with a wide variety of them.
BC3 researchers employ an assortment of modelling approaches similar to
those used in the IPCC reports, including high-complexity multiscale
climate models and downscaling (currently CMIP6 models and CORDEX
downscaling) as well as lower complexity climate models and emulators
(e.g. MAGICC and FaIR). We use historic runs of these and other models
to validate downscaled results by multiple regional databases and
reanalyses. Selected models are run and downscaled under various Shared
Socioeconomic Pathway (SSP) scenarios to study regional climate
variability and project future changes in essential climate variables,
including mean and extreme temperatures, precipitation, snow cover,
glacier mass, etc.