Objective 3: Understanding and managing terrestrial systems for sustainability
Terrestrial ecosystems play an essential role in achieving many of
the SDGs. Sustainable land use can reconcile future challenges related
to provision of the basic ecosystem services supporting human societies,
while also conserve habitats and biodiversity, serve to mitigate and
adapt to climate change. Effective land use and conservation decisions
require ecological process understanding and consideration of the
interplay of social, economic and environmental factors. Such land use
change is seen as key for promoting integrative, climate-smart
agriculture and ecosystem management, which can generate new knowledge
to inform policy design and/or be used in the implementation of actions
by stakeholders on the ground. We will explore different aspects related
to terrestrial ecosystems adaptation mechanisms and mitigation
opportunities for climate change, including reinforcing ecosystems
monitoring and experimentation and those that are relevant for socially
efficient allocation of land resources in terms of their long-term
conservation as well as for their ongoing utilization. Under this
objective, and to reinforce activities 3.1. and 3.2 below, BC3 will
continue to invest in LurLab1,2,3 for: (1) supporting long-term
ecosystem monitorization and manipulation, and; (2) supporting
laboratory environmental experimentation.
Activity 3.1. Understanding, predicting and mitigating the effects of global change on ecosystem functioning.
Addressing Global Change impacts on natural ecosystems is one of the
greatest challenges that largely hinges on our ability to understand
ecosystem functioning and predict ecosystem responses to different
stressors. Here we aim: (1) to understand the short and long term (up to
several millennia) response of ecosystems to anthropogenic global
change by the study of the response of ecosystems to a suite of
perturbations across different scales of complexity ranging from species
diversity to community structure and dynamics, ecosystem functioning or
stability (particularly focus in understanding the effects of global
scale impacts, including land use change and CO2 emission, and their
main consequences, habitat fragmentation and loss, increased
temperatures, or invasive species); and (2) to predict its effects by
developing theoretical and empirical sound models to inform ecosystem
conservation and restoration practices moving beyond traditional
phenomenological and context-dependent management plans towards a more
mechanistic, community- and ecosystem-level perspective of ecosystem
conservation and restoration. We finally combine models, observations
and experiments to address how ecosystems functioning will evolve in an
era of global change. To reach our aims, we are working in a series of
regional sites (e.g. Gorbeia Natural Park, Artikutza Reserve) and
international sites (e.g. Norse sites in Greenland, Pre-Columbian sites
in the Amazon). We will expand the current list of sites to establish a
network of field sites for monitoring and experimentation on the impacts
of global change on ecosystem functioning. We are particularly
interested in ecosystems along climatic gradients and on sites where
previous and current land use history threatens the maintenance of
ecosystem functionality.
Activity 3.2. Understanding vulnerability of forest ecosystems to climate change and assisting their adaptation (SECOHEALTH group).
Special focus on forest
ecosystems is foreseen, given the large role they are expected to play
in mitigation by 2050 and that they are experimenting increasingly
frequent episodes of die-back and will be increasingly threatened by
climate changes and related disturbances (e.g. wind throw, insect
outbreaks, and fires) that will make its future management challenging.
To understand legacies of past forest management is also fundamental,
since they can be one of the predisposing factors in the context of
current drought die-back processes, to adopt adaptative management and
increase resilience of forest ecosystems. In this context, also a more
systemic view is needed, for instance, the role of soils and
particularly the soil biota, as key contributors to the functioning and
stability of forest ecosystems, is generally overlooked in soil and
ecosystem models. Given the IPCC climate scenarios, understanding how
functional diversity in the soil biota contributes to forest stability
under drought, not only directly (via mycorrhiza) but also indirectly by
modifying soil structure, as a key factor in water availability becomes
key to improve models to improve future predictions. The SECOHEALTH
group will, hence, develop studies in forest ecosystems aiming at
understanding: (1) the role of past management on current responses to
climate-change; (2) the role of management on soil health and ecosystem
stability in the face of climate-change; and (3) the contribution of
soils, in particular biodiversity, to ecosystem resilience and
resistance. By combining data collection (monitoring along climatic
gradients), compilation and consolidation, remote sensing tools, and
field manipulation experiments to establish quantitative links between,
soil biodiversity, land-use/management intensity, ecosystem stability,
and historical forest growth (e.g. dendrochronology) in the face of
climate-change. These data will be used to validate and improve soil
models (e.g. KEYLINK) that will be further coupled with ecosystem and
land surface models to evaluate the capacity of natural and managed
forests to adapt to drought.
Activity 3.3. Food systems in the global change era.
future of crop production (farming) in the context of global change is
challenging and key to achieve SDG 2. This challenge relates to the
complexity of the food systems and require combining solutions such as
changing diet, increasing crop yield and diversity (safeguarding
biological diversity to ensure stable yields in the mid- to long-term)
or optimization of irrigation. However, our current understanding of the
ecological mechanisms, including those mediated by biodiversity, that
underlie sustainable food production in real agroecosystems remains
incomplete. We investigate in a global change context. To explore how
agriculture can promote biodiversity and food production simultaneously,
we are developing biologically realistic models that incorporate global
change drivers, management scenarios (e.g. wildlife-friendly farming,
monocultures vs polycultures), a wide representation of services and
stakeholder demands, and more complexity in biodiversity components,
specifically the role of interaction networks on food production and
food security. Here, we gather worldwide datasets to inform and test
model predictions to provide specific guidelines to improve food
production schemes while enhancing biodiversity conservation at various
scales, from local to global.
Activity 3.4. The role of the livestock systems in reaching GHG neutrality and promoting sustainability.
aim to continue developing modelling tools and building narratives,
from the farm level to regional scales, in relation to different
scenarios that can reduce GHG emissions, promote soil C sinks, maintain
biodiversity and increase resilience in both the livestock sector and
indirectly affected sectors that could be relevant for the update of the
Natural Determined Contributions (NDCs) while promoting more
sustainable and socially inclusive livestock systems. Priority areas of
research will be: 1) Life Cycle Assessment (LCA - Carbon foot printing
and farm modelling refining methods and providing new estimates of GHG
impact for different livestock production systems - intensive,
extensive, transhumance- and assessing the effect of mitigation
measures); 2) Analysis of strengths and limitations of GWP* metrics in
the assessment of the Agriculture sector climate impacts and the
resulting policy development implications (including development of LCA
and sustainability frameworks and co-design of assessment tools for
specific production systems and scales); 3) Developing natural GHGs
baselines for livestock systems using as case study estimation of
changes in historical CH4 (and N2O) emissions in different scales
(Regional -i.e. North America, Europe-, national -i.e. Spain-,
sub-national – i.e. Basque Country-) and characterizing and analysing
specific local systems carrying capacity of natural herbivory vs.
livestock (e.g. Cabañeros-Spain, Serengeti-Tanzania, Chernobyl-Ukraine).
Special attention will be payed to mobile livestock vs.)
natural migratory herbivore systems because of their higher productivity
and contribution to the maintenance of ecosystem processes. Given the
recent social interest on some aspects of the livestock sector impacts
on climate change and global change, specific attention to outreach
activities will be given by production of scripts for video-infographics
or small documentaries on livestock, climate change and sustainability
will be developed to inform society (e.g. about sustainable and
unsustainable systems, GHG emissions and to who can be attributed,
Activity 3.5. Mitigating climate change through land systems.
agriculture and land use sector (AFOLU) contribute approximately 11Gt
CO2eq (24%) of global GHG emissions, with approximately 50 % from land
use and 50 % from agriculture (IPCC, 2019). However, terrestrial natural
and semi-natural systems also sequester more than 1/3 of annual
anthropogenic emissions, allowing the land sector the opportunity not
only to decarbonize, but also to generate negative emissions. The global
carbon neutrality objective by 2050 requires ambitious emission
reductions of AFOLU emissions and the maximization of carbon sinks for
which the sector is a critical source globally. We aim to: 1) Produce
more accurate attribution of the carbon sink potential of the Earth’s
terrestrial ecosystems and prediction of its evolution under climate
change, including the understanding of the environmental and
socioeconomic drivers of land use change at different scales (from
global to local, SO3 links here with IAMs models at SO2) to contribute
to the Global Stock Take debates starting in GST2023; 2) Explore
narratives and pathways, bottom up built with national and local
entities, but coherent with the global goals, for which Natural Base
Solutions contribute to mitigate (taking into account impacts of)
climate change consistently with other objectives of the sector that can
support local and national land restauration efforts (restauration of
socio-ecological systems), including increasing ambition of NDCs; 3)
Explore evolution of international trade regimes as a key lever to
trigger changes in the AFOLU sector by tracking the land footprint and
GHG content for agricultural commodities (SO3 links here with the tools
of SO2). This requires not only technical change but also a combination
of measures adjusted to the local context and also, a more
comprehensive/systemic approach to restore socio-ecological systems that
needs urgently to be explored, in particular at local scales with
direct involvement of local communities and farmers (Led by M.J. Sanz).
Activity 3.6. Social-ecological analysis of the biodiversity-climate-society nexus.
Climate (mitigation and adaptation) and Biodiversity (conservation and management) interact in complex ways. Interventions can be designed at different scales to manage ecosystems in ways that create co-beneficial, rather than trade-offs and co-detrimental, outcomes. Social systems flow in and out of biodiversity-climate interactions (e.g. social institutions determine to a large extent the strength and direction of such interactions and translate impacts into people´s wellbeing). Hence a social-ecological approach is needed to analyse the complexity of the biodiversity-climate-society nexus. This can support envisioning more just and sustainable pathways for people and nature.